Aldridge Elementary (B-)
2018-19 STAAR Performance
Scores Approaching State Standard:
83% (PISD Ave = 86%)
Scores Meeting State Standard:
59% (PISD Ave = 65%)
Scores Mastering State Standard:
37% (PISD Ave = 39%)
2018-19 School Data
Economically Disadvantaged:
22.1% (PISD Ave = 31.9%)
Mobility Rate:
15.6% (PISD Ave = 10.9%)
598 (K-5 grade only)
Find more Aldridge Elementary data at TEA.
School Summary
Aldridge Elementary is located just south of central Plano, in Richardson, TX. At 598 students in 2018-’19, Aldridge is one the larger elementary schools in PISD. STAAR scores are a little below district averages, and the mobility rate (number of students enrolling and withdrawing each year) is high, with nearly 1 in 6 students (15.6%) students moving in or out of the school in 2018-’19. Aldridge saw its performance dip slightly in ‘18-’19, as it was rated a ‘B’ or ‘B+’ by ISD SchoolSearch for the 3 previous years. Aldridge feeds into Wilson Middle School, Vines High School, and Plano Senior High. For more information about Aldridge Elementary, you can reach out to the PTA through their active Facebook page, or visit PISD’s Aldridge website.
Housing Market Data
Below are the 6-month averages for homes sold in the Aldridge school zone through mid April, 2020.
Average Price Sold: $444,570
Average Price/Sqft.: $179.04
Average Size: 2,476 sqft.
Average Days on Mkt: 52
For more current data and housing info, contact Shannon Beitchman at 415-497-3710 or
720 Pleasant Valley Ln.
Richardson, TX 75080
(469) 752-0000