Murphy Middle School (A)
2018-19 STAAR Performance
Scores Approaching State Standard:
95% (PISD Ave = 86%)
Scores Meeting State Standard:
79% (PISD Ave = 65%)
Scores Mastering State Standard:
53% (PISD Ave = 39%)
2018-19 School Data
Economically Disadvantaged:
10% (PISD Ave = 31.9%)
Mobility Rate:
2.9% (PISD Ave = 10.9%)
1,261 (6-8th)
Find more Murphy Middle School data at TEA.
School Summary
Located due East of Plano is Murphy, TX, Murphy is one of PISD’s most reputable middle schools and has earned an ‘A’ from Plano School Reviews for each of the past the past 4 years. Even as it maintains its academic excellence, Murphy as managed to improve: the % of STAAR scores displaying mastery of grade-level content (greatly exceeding the base score needed simply to meet state standards) has increased each of the last four years—44%; 47%; 52%; 53%. Murphy has a very low mobility rate at 2.9% and low percentage of economically disadvantaged students at 10%. Murphy is one of PISD’s largest middle schools with an average of over 400 students per grade. Murphy feeds into McMillen High and Plano East Senior High. Learn more about Murphy at its PTA Facebook page and at the dedicated PISD website.
Housing Market Summary
620 N. Murphy Rd.
Murphy, TX 75094
(469) 752-7000