Vines High School (B)
2018-19 STAAR Performance
Scores Approaching State Standard:
84% (PISD Ave = 86%)
Scores Meeting State Standard:
65% (PISD Ave = 65%)
Scores Mastering State Standard:
21% (PISD Ave = 39%)
2018-19 School Data
Economically Disadvantaged:
33.7% (PISD Ave = 31.9%)
Mobility Rate:
9.8% (PISD Ave = 10.9%)
1,025 (9-10th grade only)
Find more Vines High School data at TEA.
School Summary
While Vines is close to district averages for STAAR scores that approach or meet state standards, only 1 in 5 (21%) of 2018-19 standardized test scores at Vines showed mastery of learning objectives—a figure that is notable since it is 5-10 percentage points below other PISD high schools with ratings of ‘B’ or higher. Nearly 2 of 3 (65%) of STAAR scores met the state standard, and 84% of all STAAR scores at least approached the state’s grade-level expectations. All PISD high schools (grades 9-10) are large, and, at just over 500 students per grade, Vines is actually has one of the smaller student bodies. Haggard and Wilson Middle Schools feed into Vines, and Vines feeds into Plano Senior. Learn more at the Vines PTSA Facebook page and at PISD’s Vines website.
1401 Highedge Dr.
Plano, TX 75075
(469) 752-7800