Weatherford Elementary (D+)
2018-19 STAAR Performance
Scores Approaching State Standard:
68% (PISD Ave = 86%)
Scores Meeting State Standard:
39% (PISD Ave = 65%)
Scores Mastering State Standard:
20% (PISD Ave = 39%)
2018-19 School Data
Economically Disadvantaged:
59.4% (PISD Ave = 31.9%)
Mobility Rate:
14.7% (PISD Ave = 10.9%)
446 (K-5 grade only)
Find more Weatherford Elementary data at TEA.
School Summary
Weatherford Elementary performs significantly lower than the average Plano ISD elementary schools, and is only one of 5 schools in PISD to receive a Plano Schools Review grade below a ‘C’. Over each of the last 4 years, the percentage of STAAR scores at Weatherford Elementary that have approached the state standard have dropped: 81% (2015-16); 75% (2016-17); 73% (2017-18); 68% (2018-19). Significantly less than half (39%) of Weatherford STAAR scores meet the state standard, and the school has a mobility rate (% of students enrolling and withdrawing each year) of almost 1 out of 6 (14.7%) Weatherford feeds into Wilson Middle School, Vines High, and Plano Senior High. To learn more about Weatherford, check out Planos ISD’s Weatherford website or the school’s Facebook page.
Housing Market Data
Below are the 6-month averages for homes sold in the Weatherford school zone through mid April, 2020.
Average Price Sold: $306,531
Average Price/Sqft.: $154.06
Average Size: 2,009 sqft.
Average Days on Mkt: 49
For more current data and housing info, contact Shannon Beitchman at 415-497-3710 or
Neighborhood Summary
All homes the Weatherford school zone are less than a 5-10 minute drive from Whole Foods, Trader Joe’s, and Central Market, approximately 5 minutes away from Tom Thumb and ALDI, and within a 15-minute driving radius of two Costcos, Walmarts, and Targets. The George Bush Tollway is approximately a 5-minute drive south, the Dallas North Tollway is 8-10 minutes West, and the 75 is 8-10 minutes East. Two nature preserves, Arbor Hills and Oak Point, are within a 20-minute drive.
2941 Mollimar Dr.
Plano, TX 75075
(469) 752-3600